Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dia Cuatro en el Hospital

Not the most original posts here. I got that stupid tube out of me so now I get to pee all by myself, like a normal person. Still no drinking or eating, just swabbing my mouth with a damp sponge. I crave every food product advertised on TV and a bunch that just pop into my head all by themselves. Right now, it's BBQ. 20 minutes ago it was Greek (from the sponge docks). But I try not to think about that too much.

Today I've been doing more walking (4 laps so far, where I only did 4 total on each previous day). My pain meds have been backed off to the point that I only get them when I press the button. My stomach is a little tighter for it, but it should help me to be able to eat sooner.

The nights here are the worst. I tend to dream a lot (especially with the pain meds) and the dreams tend to involve me not being a surgery patient. So I often wake up and want to move, or at least roll over, or take a few sips of water. Then I feel a little trapped by my inability to move. Last night I woke up Faith by throwing a stuffed panda at her. She asked what was wrong, and really nothing was wrong specifically, I just needed to not be the only one awake and not able to move really. I ended up putting the TV on falling back asleep with it on.

That's another strange thing about the hospital: I watch the entire Today Show. All summer I worked right above where it taped and maybe turned it on twice while getting ready for work. Now I watch all 67 hours of it every day and get excited when they show 30 Rock.

Enough for now. Stomach is rumbling. I'm told that means my bowels are waking up. I like to think of two little furry things stretching and yawning to represent my bowels waking up.


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